Etathed, our Eastern embedded reporter, recently stumbled upon something both snackable and interesting:
"Found this stuff at the store last time i was there. I am always skeptical of foodstuffs claiming to be "gourmet" but Popcorn Indiana Popcorn is indeed gourmet.
The package explains this popcorn comes from an actual town in indiana called Popcorn! Justly so as this is probably the best popcorn i have ever tasted. The first bag i got was the smoked cheddar. An amazing flavor that seemed to be baked into the popcorn, not sprinkled on top like so many other flavored popcorns. The popcorn was extremely fresh and seemed as if it had just been popped. This popcorn is very bender friendly, eating a whole bag will be no problem for most priders. This is not to say that the portion is small, to the contrary, these bags are quite full. It is simply a testament to the deliciousness of the product.
Handful after handful after handful, in the midst of it all, it seems so wrong to stop. When i did finally stop, once the bag was empty i was shocked to find a measly 2 un-popped kernels in the bag and none of those sharp little curvy kernel things that get caught in your teeth while munching. This product had what must be the closest thing ever to a 100% pop ratio.
The only down side to Indiana Popcorn is the bag itself. While it is very smooth, similar to most kettle chip style bags, it is prone to splitting thus running a long tear down the side of the bag. Another negative factor for some may be the high price point. At over 3 dollars i wouldnt blame anyone for passing these by, but if you got an extra few bucks, I GUARANTEE you will not be disappointed.
I just picked up a bag of the Buffalo Cheddar and the aged white cheddar flavors. I actually prefer Buffalo Chedder to the smoked cheddar i originally had. While i haven't yet tasted the white cheddar (my favorite of all popcorn flavors) i am sure it will be fantastic.
If you like popcorn, do yourself a favor... seek this stuff out and dig in!"