5 Guys Burgers is sweeping the nation from Boston to Vegas with a simple, easy burger and fry menu. One of our readers made the statement that "5 Guys is like the In-n-Out of the East Coast. Now we here at the FPT fully endorse In-n-Out burgers and think they are one of the better fast food burgers around.

As you can see the inside is a lot like a classic burger joint. Burgers and frys being prepared right after you order. Not sure if all 5 Guys locations are without a drive thru. In this day and age of mobile lifestyles, the FPT thinks a drive thru is very important to the consumer.

The normal 5 Guys burger comes as a double. One big difference from In-n-Out is the selection of condiments you can add to your burger. Here is a quick list...
* Mayo
* Relish
* Onions
* Lettuce
* Pickles
* Tomatoes
* Grilled Onions
* Grilled Mushrooms
* Ketchup
* Mustard
* Jalapeno Peppers
* Green Peppers
* A.1.® Steak Sauce
* Bar-B-Q Sauce
* Hot Sauce
A lot of great options for a hamburger. Expect 5 Guys to be extremely busy the first few months that it opens in your area. We heard about wait times of 30 min from entering the building and finally receiving your meal.