Saturday, August 06, 2005

Nocturnal Eating Syndrome (Sleep-Related Eating)

Last night I had an incident that has caused me much duress and had me researching all morning. I awoke in the kitchen, sitting in a chair as i droppped and broke a glass full of ice and lemonade. I do not recall how I got there. After a few seconds, I came to realize that it was the middle of the night and I had prepared a salad with corn and cheese and a bagel sandwich. I had eaten the salad and was 1/2 wat thru the bagel sandwich (see photo) when i dropped my glass and was awoken. Apparently, this is a known disorder and is considered a parasomnia, and is a rare type of sleepwalking, a disorder of arousal. People with this disorder experience recurrent episodes of eating during sleep, without being aware of what they are doing. Sleep-related eating might occur often enough to result in significant weight gain. Although it can affect all ages and both sexes, it is more common in young women. I will continue my research and report back more info. Be careful people.

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