Saturday, November 12, 2005

Reader Submits Photo Of His Grocery Store: Frazier Foods

One of our readers, Mr. Bob Green, submitted to us the above photo of the market where he is the General Manager/CEO. Bob says he loves the info he gets here at The Fat Pride Times and plans to contribute some more things shortly.


  1. Anonymous10:33 AM

    Regarding Mr. Green, I heard he is the manager/player of the Frazier Foods softball team, which is mandatory for all employees, even for one employee with diabetes. Thats just not right.

  2. Anonymous9:45 PM

    Dear Mr. don-kee,

    First, thank you for your interest in Frasier Foods and our subsidiary company, Werewolf Foods, the premier bulk and health food store in North America.

    Second, I instated the mandatory Frasier Foods softball program for the employees at Frasier Foods to build up employee moral, teamwork, and health. I take great offense at the diabetic comment and you should know it is considered slander. I demand you apologize for your slanderous comment or my lawyer, Mr. Harvey Wireman, Esq., will be notified.

    Very Truly Yours,

    Bob Green,
    CEO and President of Frasier Foods
    and Werewolf Foods
    "Whenever you think of hair, think of me, Bob Green."

  3. Anonymous9:16 PM

    You green-lighting me?
    Cause I am Ready-Teddy
    Bring it
    you bald freak man

  4. Anonymous11:20 PM

    I had 4000lbs of detroit iron warming up in anticipation of this.

    All bets are off

  5. Anonymous1:40 AM

    I am not of the gay.
