Friday, January 18, 2008

Freschetta "Pizza Amore"
New Baking Tray Introduced!

Freschetta Pizza, allready respected around here as a great frozen pizza, has a new unique oven safe baking tray. Makes for an easy in and out of the oven and easy servings. How the tray does not melt in the oven, I have no idea - so we are just going with it. Pictured above is the 6-cheese variety, from box to oven to done.


  1. Anonymous8:35 AM

    this pizza appears to be pre-baked? and wtf is with the purple heating element?

  2. Anonymous8:53 AM

    Are you raising accusations of our test kitchen employees being under the influence of psychedelics and/or being "baked"?

  3. Anonymous11:28 AM

    Looks tasty, but no meat on that thing is blasphomy like clive barker's hellraiser.

    Whats one of these bad boys cost? I imagine the baking tray comes with a substantial price increase over the old school pizzas without the conveniant tray.

  4. Anonymous11:45 AM

    Pizza looks good but the oven is gay. Trust me i know.

  5. Anonymous12:31 PM

    I seen these on sale for 3.99 before - but my toaster oven in my sleeper rig wont handle one.

  6. Anonymous1:16 PM

    I am enjoying your unique purple heating elements. I have searched for them everywhere with no luck - can you provide any info?

    Please (trying to be nice)

  7. Anonymous7:56 AM

    i got nothing.

  8. Anonymous7:57 PM

    Oh my god! I nearly came when I saw that pizza! Put a warning label on those pics!! NSFW!

  9. How can people who nothing about Italian try to sell Italian food?! They can't pronounce "freschetta" (it's "fresketta" not "freshetta") or "bruschetta" ("brusketta" not "brushetta") or "di giorno" ("di giorno"--with a g as in George--not "di zhiorno"--that "zh" sound doesn't even exist in Italian). Not only are these people displaying their ignorance, they're spreading it around. Don't buy anything purporting to be Italian from people who don't know Italian.

  10. Anonymous9:46 AM

    and also amore does NOT have an accent on the e. but it is still pronounced. italian is the #1 most butchered language. it's embarrassing that a professional company is even pronouncing their own name wrong.

  11. Anonymous4:26 PM

    I have a concern about this new "tray"; stinks like burn petroleum once put in the oven. We've been cooking pizzas for many years (we follow the instructions) and we love this new PizzaAmore-Fire Baked Crust, but the new tray worries me. Anyone had this experience?

  12. Anonymous2:11 PM

    Yes, I've experienced the stinky tray, but love the pizza. The Italian language freak needs to get a life... You don't have to know how to speak the language to know what you like.

  13. Anonymous2:41 PM

    tray stinks. am i going to be poisoned by this thing?

  14. Yeah, I hate those mispronunciations, too. Another one is that of "pinot grigio"--it's "gree-jo", not "gree-gee-o," "gree-zho," or "gree-zhee-o."
