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Monday, August 25, 2008
Fat Pride: Every Group Has It's Bad Seeds
For this post we are going to take a look at the ugly side of Fat Pride by learning about 2 individuals who truly give our movement a push backwards. Some of the staff here did not want to give these 2 freaks anymore press than they have gotten, but in the end we decided it important these stories be shared.
Our first person we will mention is Mayra Lizbeth Rosales, whom has been charged with one count of first-degree murder and on one count of injury to a child in the death of Eliseo Gonzalez Junior. Basically, she smacked her 2 year old nephew twice causing him to die from the blows. Problem now is how do they get her to the courtroom? She weighs 1000 pounds and cannot leave the house as no doorway is wide enough. Her attorney is also arguing that she would die in jail or court due to her condition. We suggest bulldozing the house, putting her on a flatbed truck and hope for the best.
Next we have the "Honorable" Judge Elizabeth Halverson from Las Vegas, who has been suspended from the bench since September 2007. While we cannot find numbers on her exact weight, she is real scary big. Her suspension is over her conduct, more specifically, falling asleep on the bench, mishandling cases and mistreating her staff. If the allegations prove true, she will be a black eye on the Fat Pride movement forever. Watch the video below as her bailiff describes her asking for footrubs and spitting sunflower seeds on the floor for him to pick-up.
You should be ashamed of yourself's for posting such crap. You have no idea about this situation. This man is an out and out liar. I know for a fact because I work at the RJC in Las Vegas and saw it for myself. Not only that, had you even paid attention to the trial, you would have seen 3 other co-workers swear under oath that never once did Johnny Jordan express ANY dissatisfaction with his job, and NEVER once did they witness any of the things this moron said she did.
Lastly, one of the main reasons Judge Halverson is being railroaded is because of her size and a personal vendetta from the Chief Judge Kathy Hardcastle who fired Halverson when she was a law clerk 3 days after she took office because she found her "aesthetically unappealing".
The only thing they can find to pick on this woman is petty garbage and rags like yours continue to slander her by publishing this crap.
Instead of doing an article of how a disabled LARGE woman did a grass roots campaign, went and met the people of Las Vegas in all of her FAT glory and was still elected, you choose to publish Crap without following the story and seeing that there is far more going on here than the petty lies of someone who was bought and sold as part of a conspiracy because Judge Halverson simply does not fit in.
We here on the FPT staff respect your take on this and while we felt we had reserached this enough, two of our staffers will spend some considerable time looking at what you have to say and looking at reliable sources for more info on Judge Halverson and we will do a follow up post ASAP.
You should be ashamed of yourself's for posting such crap. You have no idea about this situation. This man is an out and out liar. I know for a fact because I work at the RJC in Las Vegas and saw it for myself. Not only that, had you even paid attention to the trial, you would have seen 3 other co-workers swear under oath that never once did Johnny Jordan express ANY dissatisfaction with his job, and NEVER once did they witness any of the things this moron said she did.
Lastly, one of the main reasons Judge Halverson is being railroaded is because of her size and a personal vendetta from the Chief Judge Kathy Hardcastle who fired Halverson when she was a law clerk 3 days after she took office because she found her "aesthetically unappealing".
The only thing they can find to pick on this woman is petty garbage and rags like yours continue to slander her by publishing this crap.
Instead of doing an article of how a disabled LARGE woman did a grass roots campaign, went and met the people of Las Vegas in all of her FAT glory and was still elected, you choose to publish Crap without following the story and seeing that there is far more going on here than the petty lies of someone who was bought and sold as part of a conspiracy because Judge Halverson simply does not fit in.
We here on the FPT staff respect your take on this and while we felt we had reserached this enough, two of our staffers will spend some considerable time looking at what you have to say and looking at reliable sources for more info on Judge Halverson and we will do a follow up post ASAP.
this really should be roundtabled at a buffet.
I am big. Like Berle. I have what Berle had what you want.
I have found information that differs from 'anonyomous' on Judge Halverson:
Last URL did not take.
Here it is:
This better work:
@ Anonymous
I too live in Vegas and can testify to the fact that the heifer known as Halverson is a waste of a very large square footage ok skin and tissue.
She has zero comprehension of the law .
Courtroom ethics are a completely foreign concept to her.
The saddest part of this case is that she was ever a judge at all. Her and her overly large ass should have stuck with being a court clerk.
the fellow in the video raises a valid point, if she is allowed to continue as a judge, what DOES that say about the president of the united states?
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