Wednesday, September 30, 2009

Arby's Declaring That They Now Have $5.01 "Worth Every Penny" Combos

The mail brought us an ad from Arby's defying our entire premise of the "5.00 - Why Is This The New Standard Lunch Price?" post. The sender was Arby's declaring that they now have 5.01 "Worth Every Penny" combos. They claim the extra penny is worth it for all the extra things they do like waking up at 5 AM and showing up to work at 6 AM to oven roast their beef and hand-slice every order of their roast beef sandwiches.

Out of pure curiosity, we are looking for a volunteer to go into an Arby's with a five dollar bill and see if they offer to 'cover' the one cent difference. Thought being that if I managed an Arby's and had this promo running there would be a jar with a couple hundred pennies at each register and actually offer to cover the one cent for customers so they dont have 99 cents rolling around in their pockets or purse.

Please contact us if you wanna be our FPT curious consumer.


Paranoid Pietro said...

i think they are just trying to get people to pick up litter in their parking lots for free.

Negative Nancy said...

I am off the Arby's

Anonymous said...

ejchi says:
If the extra penny is for taste, roast beef, and all the other things listed in the commercial... than what is the other five dollars for... pure profit???

Derek said...

I think this is a horrible campaign. It makes me want to not eat at arbys. Other companies are fine with 5, but greedy arbys has to get another cent. And one cent can make a difference. That's why at stores things are always priced $x.99, or $x.49 etc., because one cent matters

Yancy Can said...

I agree -- and volunteer to try going into Arby's with just a five dollar bill and seeing what they do when I am a penny short.

Im Yancy - I do tri-trades and such. Also my webtours. Hit me blog for my stories.

Regards, YancyCan

Anonymous said...

u guys are idiots to be pissed off about that. first of you'd be paying more than $5 dollars anywhere its called tax. seconds how many places actually have combos that are less than $6, not very many.

Anonymous said...

Good post and this mail helped me alot in my college assignement. Thanks you seeking your information.