Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Carl's Jr.'s - Clean & Open Kitchens - The Way It Should Be

One of the reasons our staff here at the FPT continue to be regulars at Carl's Jr. is they keep a tidy ship. If you look at photos above, they actually have a walk-out from the kitchen/counter area that allows you to see the floor(which is clean). Makes one wonder what the competition's floors look like. Another plus is you can see the cooking area and the food being prepared, as well as there are both counter and kitchen employees in plain sight. This has not been our experience at other places. Many places you cannot see the food prep area and finding an employee out front can be an issue as well.

Picture below is from another "good food fast" national chain - notice you cant see behind the steel wall where the food is prepared and no employees in sight. First person to guess what chain this is using the comments below will receive some free foood coupons from the FPT.


  1. Michael - Mike's Market7:50 AM

    I think I found the "Where's Waldo" guy in this photo - under trhe middle area to the left.

    Is there a prize for that?

  2. Big Billiam - NY12:57 PM

    Is it a Wendy's?

    Call me on my cell.

  3. L.A. Tony8:36 PM

    Der Weinerschniztel?

  4. Field Trip Ferris7:58 AM


  5. Negative Nancy11:53 AM

    Taco Bell?

  6. thats kfc, what do i win again?

  7. FPT staff9:31 PM

    Crim is correct.
    Email us for your prize!

    KFC has like a metal wall hiding the prep areas.

  8. KeithB8:44 PM

    I worked for CKE (Carl's Jr.) in the early-mid 80's and I can tell you they are one of, if not THE cleanest restaurants you can work or dine in. I was well trained before I ever touched a piece of food. To this day I understand the concepts of food rotation, clean-as-you-go, and date codes. Still one of my favorite places to eat. (I can still hear our assistant mgr., "If you got time to lean, you got time to clean.")
