Sunday, October 25, 2009

Microsoft & Burger King Release The Windows 7 Burger In Japan

Microsoft teamed up the 10 or so Burger Kings in Japan for this unusual cross-promotion. The Microsoft 7 Whopper was released on the same day that the Windows 7 OS was also released. What is unusual about this burger, - it has 7 patties between the buns. The burger was only available to first 30 customers each day for a price of 7.77 yen - about 9.00 in U.S. dollars.

1 comment:

  1. Buck Toofed Willis10:39 PM

    That woulda been plenty fo' all seven of ma youngins. Lets see there's little Jesse, buggy Matilda, bent lip Bruce, bull nose Wallace, myopic Mickey, misunderstood Molly and dingles Derrick.
