Wendy, one of our staffers spotted this unique new offering from Cheetos and snapped this MOBI photo for us. As the bag says they are 'color changes', meaning they turn your tongue green when eaten.
We are asking for your input - has anyone tried these? Can you send us a review and maybe a picture of a green tongue?
My daughter just ate them. Our bag says turns tongues blue. Her mouth, lips and tongue did indeed turn blue. She was very proud of it. It also did turn her fingers blue when she licked them. Looks like any moisture will do it. Great trick for Halloween parties.
Thanks Anon!
Did not know it turned things blue - pretty cool.
I got some at Walmart yesterday. Mine turned blue!
One of the night nurses I work with unsuspectingly ate them at the hospital. They really work. Her lips and tongue were bright blue. She was extremely surpised and we all had a good laugh. Just hope we didn't scare any patients.
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