Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Wild White Cheddar Cheetos - Another Available Limited Time Only Offering!

Team FPT has taken a vote and decided that these are absolutely the BEST Cheetos offering there has ever been - and we have tried them all of their standard offerings as well as the special ones.

These are of the crunchy variety - but one immediately notices that they are different than regular crunchy Cheetos. These Wild White Cheddar ones have no 'puff' - no air pockets, they are solid all the way thru. Very flavorful and tasty, these are a must try offering.


  1. etathed5:29 PM

    GD i gotta get me some of those.

  2. Echmeil6:47 PM

    es mucho di cheezmo du pencise en machrme?

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  4. Ellie Light5:39 PM

    I like Obama, moastly
