Monday, March 01, 2010

Big Mama Pickled Sausages - Anyone Tried Em?

This were captured on a mobi device by a friend of the FPT. Yancy - You may know him, he is a good common man and he makes stuff happens/solves problems.

We generally dont throw in with discount counter-display mini-sausages. These need your help - has anyone been man enough to power one of these?

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  1. etathed2:59 AM

    Here in the upper elevations of WV we have several different brands of pickled sausages available at the local shop, including these Big Mama Brand. We also have one called the Firecracker, i have never been brave enough to try either. they are odd in the sence that there seems to be a some sort of juice or liquid packed in the packaging that the sausage soaks in. Not my style.

  2. Just Sayin'1:43 PM

    Big Mama and her spicy sister, Tijuana Mama, are the largest pickled sausages on the market. They offer a big, bold taste for consumers looking for a hearty ...

  3. j-flow7:10 AM

    i mean the pickling flavor was great. just pickle and sausage mix together is a gr8 idea. it makes relish dogs hahaha

  4. Anonymous7:51 PM

    I have had at least one Tijuana Mama every week since 1999, and I survive. Love those things.

  5. Anonymous3:41 PM

    They are good, they take care of headaches too
