Tory, our long-time web researcher/crawler stumbled upon what appeared to be the ultimate collection of 'rebus' beer cap puzzles with answers. He found the official Mickey's Beer webpage - which is very well done - with one exception. Upon clicking on the 'puzzle generator' and 'answer center', he found that there is nothing there to view. The gallery of cap images does not load up, you can generate your own cap puzzle however it does not save it for show on the webpage as stated. Obviously, the entire staff here at the FPT test kitchens was very disapointed.
On the webpage is a link to 'talk to us' (Mickey's Beer Co.) - we encourage all who read this to contact them and let them know that we would like to see this website up and fully stocked with cap answers and the other offerings.
October 2009 Update:

Our team has launched a new site with symbol by symbol answers for the Mickey's beer cap puzzle collection. There will be new cap answers posted daily until we get the whole known collection up.
We are looking for photo submissions of caps if anyone can help us with that. If you have a specific cap you are trying to solve, please email us with the link found in the right column of this page. We will solve it and post it ASAP.
Mickey's Beer Caps Answer Board