Thursday, April 17, 2008

Philadelphia Cream Cheese: The Fat Pride Size 3 Pound Tub

What a great find this was. Philadelphia Cream Cheese - the good stuff - has begun selling their spread in a 3 pound plastic tub. As the photos show, it is app. 4 1/2 inches tall and about the same in diameter. Not only will this big boy keep you stocked up with the cream cheese, it also is very cost efficient when compared to buying it by those little tubs that sell for around 3.00. Franklin, one of our staffers lost the receipt so we cannot quote exactly what we paid for the big size at this time.


Anonymous said...

I can see that the tub says 25% less saturated fats upon it. Are you guys know eating them crazy low/reduced fat foodstuffs?

Anonymous said...

It's clearly marked "Regular" so they must have changed the formula.