Our team finally emerged from the test kitchens to visit Quizno's and get in on the five buck sub special that everyone has been talking about. Upon arriving at our local Quiznos we found the window ads and the menu regarding what was on the five dollar plan and what was not. Subway's special applies most of their menu, only one section was not included we believe.
After sorting thru the fine print, the real five dollar deal at Quiznos is extremely limited and only applies to one section of their menu called the "Deli Favorite Subs". These are basically boring standard sandwiches that have no frills or tasty sauces. The four in this category are: Turkey & Cheddar, Ham & Swiss, Beef & Cheddar and a Tuna Melt. The only extras/toppings the menu states are cheese, lettuce, tomato and mayo. All boring and uninspired.
When I go to a sandwich shop it is to get something out of the ordinary - like toasted chicken subs with bacon and chipotle sauce. Subway understood this and their five dollar deal is WAY more expansive in choices.
The actual deal at Quiznos should be called the 5-7-9 deal, as that is how they break it down once they get you inside the shop. Boring lame subs are 5 bucks, decent real subs (like chicken with bacon) are 7 bucks and the specialty subs (like prime rib) are 9 dollars.
The person who came in while we were ordering our 7 dolar subs was obviously having trouble figuring out what the 5 dollar deal was about. We watched him scan the menu, then the ad signs, and back to the menu. As soon as he realized the five dollar deal was really a 5-7-9 deal, he turned around and walked out. Even though the subs we got were very tasty, perhaps we should have done the same.