Our FPT friend in New Zealand - Kiwi - went mobi on us and captured his latest chicken meal from a Kentucky Fried Chicken in New Zealand. The box has the unusual word "Phwaa" upon it - very unusual. The bird looks solid to us. More from Kiwi to follow soon.
I think the Brits spell that word as "Phwoar". They invented English so I'm not arguing. Besides, I was borned their myself.
Mr. Kiwi, Do they have the new Double Down Sammich in your area of the globe?
that is neat. where is kiwi from?
etathed, no Double Down Sandwich available yet. Will keep you all posted.
In Ontario Canada our big boxes normally have either chicken fries or popcorn chicken and then either chicken pieces or some form of sandwich. We don't have the double down yet ourselves, hope we get it.
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