Saturday, January 13, 2007

Oregon People Are Overfeeding
Their Pets And That Is
Just Plain Wrong

We have gotten late word in tonight via ABC News and Local Oregon media of two stories that we find disturbing. One is of a lady who was reunited with her huge fat cat that she layed mounds of chow on all day long. What happened? It takes off for six months - running from this nut probably - but couldnt lose the weight and got stuck in a doggie-door at a residence that it was casing for chow. This cat's head was reportedly the size of a basketball. This is not right. We do not think he chose the path of the fat pride, rather he was raised that way. Meaning this cat never has the chance to decide to become a big eater, he was molded into one. This lady should not be allowed to keep this cat. We are outraged the Humane Society gave it back to her.

The other story is of two brothers in the UK who overfed a dog to the point it could not get around even. A Royal Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals inspector is quaoted as saying "The dog was so grossly overweight it could barely walk to the point where it could take 5 or 6 paces before collapsing on the floor". In this case the UK RSPCSA took the dog away from the men last march and it has lost 49 pounds. We have the same issue with this as above. Not right people.

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