Friday, April 06, 2007

Whole Bird Theory:
New Interpretation
Of Chicken Meals

One of our west coast beach drifter correspondants sent us the following whole bird insights:

The pictures you see document a whole bird slow baked, stuffed with macaroni and cheese. This is a dish that goes back to my childhood, I was always a fussy eater. So I started stuffing cornish hens with mac-n-cheese. Nowadays it has evolved to a whole chicken. I use the family style mac-n-cheese with the cheese sauce pouch, as there is too much room for error when using a type that has the powder mix. Prepare the mac-n-cheese a bit al-dente, or slightly less than fully cooked.

I choose to elevate the open side of the bird, so that the juices collect in the breast portions. Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Rub the surface of the buird with olive oil, then sprinkle generously with season salt. Bake for 45 minutes with a loose foil tent over the whole thing. At 45 minutes, re-do the olive oil and season salt. Insert meat thermometer in thickest portion of breast, right to the bone. This will roast more slowly than a chicken normally prepared in the old school of thought.


Anonymous said...

"family style mac-n-cheese with the cheese sauce pouch, as there is too much room for error when using a type that has the powder mix"

I, Sir, Challenge you to a duel

Unknown said...

I want to come over for dinner next time you make that. I am a fussy eater. I think that this dish my cure me. Very special, indeed.