Sunday, June 11, 2006

Breaking News: Cheetos Recipe Stolen According to The Cheesy Tribune

Upon our latest purchase of Cheetos cheese flavored snacks we noticed upon the front an image of Chester holding up the front page of the Cheesy Tribune. Headline: Cheetos Recipe Stolen. Apparently, we as individuals can help solve teh crime by buying bags and doing puzzles on back and then going to the website. We are just assembling this info and updated post will follow shortly with more info.


Anonymous said...

Screw this contest - the fine print says only US citizens 17 and under may enter. They just lost a loyal customer.

Unknown said...

レイバン アビエイター
のRB3026を買いましたが、過ごし小さいような気がしました。ちょうど友達が欲しいと言っていたので、友達に譲りまして、自分用にレイバン RB3026を改めで購入しました。今回はチャントサイズが良くて良い感じで、やっぱりレイバン サングラス最高ですね!