Friday, January 08, 2010

Ice Cube Tray Spikes - Stalagmites - Weird Foodstuff Science

Over the past year in the FPT test kitchens, we have experienced a fascinating thing when making ice. One of our readers has also experienced this and we felt it time to go public. The above pictures show real ice spikes that form in ice trays in regular refrigerator freezers. Ours is the one that actually had a double-spike - Barnabus (Oregon Coast Drifter) sent in the other.

You can find some interesting debate on the web as to theories about when/why these occur. We can confirm that it is a weird experience to open your freezer and see one!

We have asked FPT staffer Franklin to gather more information and we will do a follow-up post soon. If you have experienced this - or have any info on these, please send it to us. Our email link is in the right column of this page.


General Johnson Jamison said...

These have fascinated me for years.

Pietro said...

that this is happening RIGHT NOW is more than coincidence or happenstance....

Franklin FPT staffer said...

My stapler is missing....