Monday, August 28, 2006

Free Got Milk T-Shirt?
Well Not Really

While looking over a sample box of Cran-Vanilla Crunch cereal - which is very very good by the way - a member of the FPT team noticed an offer for a free t-shirt on the front featuring the infamous "Got Milk" advertising campaign. It did say details on back, however we had a group consensus that 'the details' were simply too demanding and we look at this as a form of leading (perhaps false) information. The back of the box shows you do get a free t-shirt AFTER you buy 2 boxes of cereal and a gallon of milk. One can assume that there is most likely a bunch of receipts needed and time-demanding paperwork.

We here at the Fat Pride Times will continue to report to you foodstuff companies that have what we feel is deceptive advertising.

We are also asking our readers to send in any thing similar to this offer so we can share it with other FPT readers.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Weird. I just rented 'Got Milk' from the local adult movie store last night.